Sunday, November 2, 2014

Facebook: Fact or Fiction?

Facebook is fascinating. We use it to connect with other people and to share how we are doing, yet it still gives us a warped view of reality. Now I can't speak for everyone, but I would assume that many people post their ideal lives on Facebook. They announce all the exciting news and the joyful moments to celebrate, but once hard times hit they quiet down. We seldom can understand what others are going through scrolling through their Facebook wall.

I will even admit to this. Last Friday I got engaged to my fiancé, and naturally Facebook was the medium I chose to let most people know. We posted pictures, I wrote a blog post, and my notifications exploded. We received a lot of incredibly validating feedback. Which was awesome. Well, since he proposed his car has broken down twice and I have been facing some of my most stressful academic days of my life. Did I post all that on Facebook?

Of course not! Why ruin the joy of the moment by posting a complaint? I want everyone to see that I am still happy. Because I certainly am! I've never been happier. Doesn't mean I'm not incredibly stressed or that my life is perfect, though. Which is what we tend to see when we scroll others' Facebook pages. We see what is on the surface, but we rarely see the difficult challenges that are going on back stage. Some people are incredibly open with their challenges on Facebook. I, however, tend to keep those to myself. 

So this post is just a little reminder to never compare your life with the life you see someone else living on Facebook. Because you are only seeing a piece of reality. 

Why Youtube is the Best Idea Ever

Youtube is the best idea ever. I have a very practical personality. I just love how practical youtube is. You can use it to find out how to do just about anything.

You're a female and need to tie a tie for a Halloween costume? Look it up on YouTube.

Need to learn how to play your favorite song on the piano? Look it up on YouTube.

Need to learn how to cook your favorite recipe? Look it up on YouTube.

Car broke down and you need to replace your fuel pump but don't know exactly how? Look it up on YouTube.

Yes, that last one actually happened. Two days ago, to be exact. It was not me who looked it up though. I Do not know the first thing about cars. My fiancé's car broke down and his friend pulled up how to change a fuel pump on YouTube.

Why some random guys posted a video on YouTube about changing a fuel pump I will never know. But it inthe ultimate how to. You can learn how to do practically anything. Which is a comfort to me if my car ever breaks down and I have to take action, or if I find myself in another precarious situation.

YouTube. Best idea ever.