Monday, December 1, 2014

Fifty Shades of Sketchy

Over the weekend I learned that Fifty Shades of Grey made a movie and it's coming out in 2015.

For those of you who know me, I'm pretty quiet and easy-going. However, there are a few topics I get incredibly passionnate about. If any of these topics come up in conversation, my inner dragon comes out:

1. Child abuse
2. Objectification of Women
3. Sexual abuse due to #2

Well, I got curious and looked up the plot of Fifty Shades of Grey. It looks like it magnifies #2 and #3. And I'm a bit disgusted.

This series is anything but okay. I cannot stand any piece of media that portrays weak women being sexually exploited by powerful men. Furthermore, I cannot stand it when women read it and call it a good book or a good movie! The reason these tasteless books and movies are released is because they target a tasteless audience, which sadly constitutes a wide population of this increasingly tasteless planet.

Can you tell I get passionate about this?

Men are not sex fiends. And women are not sex objects. At least they shouldn't be. The fact that this series is all about a sex fiend who wants to control a women who gives her "consent" to be sexually abused is incredibly horrifying.

I wish I could fight it. But the best thing to do is not give it publicity. How can we make that happen?

If you want to read a really good article about this, look here:

End of rant. :)


  1. I'm disgusted by the success of that book, too! It baffles me that women protest the oppression of women, yet also seem to support this repulsive book! And my goodness, have you seen the trailer? Millions of views!!! I couldn't get through it without feeling kinda filthy. I think the problem with this book is that it's a bizarre concept that people are morbidly curious about. So many people I've talked to say "It's not like I enjoy this stuff. I'm just curious about how it's going to turn out." What they don't realize, however, is that their "curiosity" helps to support the success of this book/film.

  2. I looked into it as well, because like you said, it sounds like it is just objectification of women and incredibly terrible sex. Honestly, I have no idea how they are taking a book that is smut and turning it into a movie. I'm sad for our culture that it is perfectly happy and okay with this kind of thing.

  3. I agree! It makes me sick that this is a movie...and that women are excited to see it. I've heard it said that the book is "mommy porn"...crazy! It kinda goes back to that discussion we had in class about women going and seeing "Magic Mike". If our men were going to see a movie about strippers, we wouldn't be okay with it. So, why are we okay with portraying men as sexually abusing women...with consent...? It's nuts.

  4. I think its funny that many women feel "liberated" by this book. Many women feel that it feeds into their sexual desires. It's funny because if this book was targeted to men, they would be up in a riot about it!
