Sunday, November 9, 2014

Technology in the Hands of Two Year Olds

I'm already amazed how technology has managed to fall into the grasp of toddlers. Take my nephew for example. He is the cutest child under the sun. He's about age 2, and he loves technology more than any toddler I have ever seen. If you have a cell phone, an i-pad, a laptop, or any technology of any sort, he is right at your side. I'm not sure what enthralls him so much. Probably the light, the sounds, and the colors. My nephew loves touch screens in particular. He loves to scroll through screens with his finger, and most of all, he loves to take pictures.

In fact, he loves to take pictures so much that he actually made up his own sign language that signals to us that he wants to use a camera on someone's iphone or ipad. His parents taught him several signs, and sometimes he makes up his own. When he wants to take pictures, he will stick out his right hand and stick out his pointer finger and point down several times, reflecting the motion of pushing a button. It's the cutest thing ever. And terribly difficult to say no to. Which is why it was hard for me to pay attention during a few general conference talks a few weeks ago.

What's the point of this post? I'm not sure. Just the fact that it's amazing how toddlers will now entertain themselves on ipads, iphones, and other media that others would suggest are not for kids. It makes me wonder how technology will continue to influence young children in the future.

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